
Fiat justitia, ruat coelum

Justice must not only be done. But, must seen to be done」(公義必須彰顯而非僅僅達致)—法諺

Justice delayed is tantamount to justice denied」(遲延公正等於不公正)—法諺

Government by laws, not by men」(資法以為治,非待人以為治)—法諺

Salus populi suprema lex ests」(人民之福利應為最高的法律之歸宿)—拉丁法諺

Summum ius, summa injuria」(法之極,害之極)—拉丁法諺

Once there is a right, there is a remedy」(凡有權利必有補救)—普通法法諺


「執法重於立法。」—美國總統  傑佛遜

Nullum crimen sine lege」(無法律即無犯罪)—拉丁法諺

Nulla poena sine lege」(無法律即無刑罰)—拉丁法諺

Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea」(有行為而無意圖則無犯罪)—拉丁法諺

Ignorance of the Law is no Defence」(不懂法律並非辯護理由)—普通法原則


No man shall be a judge in own cause」(任何人不得自斷其案)—法諺

Both sides shall be heard」(兩造兼聽)—法諺


Stare decisis」(遵循先例)—普通法原則

Generalia specialibus non derogant」(一般不能離開個別)—拉丁法諺

Expressio unius est exclusio alterius」(明示某一即排除其他)—拉丁法諺

Casus omissus pro omissohabendus est」(省略規定之事項應認為有意省略)—拉丁法諺

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